Each graduating class from Williams is led by a group of volunteer classmates who serve as Class Leaders, whether compiling class notes for Williams People as Class Secretaries, or communicating broadly with the class about pertinent College or class-related news as Class Presidents, or organizing the activities and fun for the quinquennial June Reunions as Reunion Chairs.
During each reunion cycle, classes look for fresh leadership to fill these important volunteer roles. Reunion Chairs are needed every five years to plan the Reunion festivities in conjunction with the Office of Alumni Relations. After each reunion, new Class Leadership is appointed to continue to support the class.
If you are interested in serving in any of these roles, connect with your Class President as s/he’ll coordinate the appointment of the next group of class leaders. All class leadership contact information is located in the My Reports section of the Eph Network (login required). You can also indicate your interest in volunteering by filling out this form.