Class Leadership Volunteers

The primary role of a class officer is to strengthen and encourage bonds between your classmates outside of the Purple Bubble. The best class officers think of themselves primarily as cheerleaders, championing the greatness of your class and encouraging connection and engagement with one another and with the College. Class officers enjoy a unique position that offers opportunities to stay connected with classmates and spread news about the amazing things that fellow Ephs are doing for the College and for the world.


The Class President is the leader of the class leadership team and the primary point person for the Office of Alumni Relations on matters related to your class. Presidents are responsible for communicating messages pertinent to the class, facilitating the reunion planning team, and coordinating officer succession at the completion of each reunion cycle.

The Vice President is the primary support person for the President in each of the above responsibilities as well as fostering enthusiasm and class spirit between reunion years.

The Secretary has one of the most important and labor intensive responsibilities of all the class officers. Class Secretaries collect and compile class notes twice a year for publication in Williams People. In this role, you would often be the class’s most visible representative.

The Treasurer has access to the class’s financial account and is responsible for communicating information about your class funds to fellow class leaders. During Reunion years, the Treasurer plays a critical role in helping to manage the budget and keeping track of expenses for these and other class events.


Class officers serve a five-year term, congruent with each reunion cycle. Officers are expected to stay in regular touch with classmates through the class listserve or through class-based events or programs. Support from the Alumni Relations staff is available for communication and event planning needs.

How to Sign Up

If you are interested in serving as a class officer, please email your current Class President. The President will coordinate the process of selecting new leaders at the end of each reunion cycle. You can find contact information for your Class President by logging into the Eph Network and selecting the Class Leadership report under My Reports.


Class Leaders contact info report in the My Reports section of the Eph Network (login required)

Class Leadership Handbook

Class Secretary Guidelines for Williams People