Reunion 2014 Recap


Reunion 2014 photos are viewable here.

The full Reunion 2014 program is viewable here.

The Reunion 2014 Family Activities program is viewable here.

Watch Reunion 2014 Seminar Videos here.

The following awards and announcements were presented at the annual meeting of The Society of Alumni on Saturday, June 8:

Oldest alumni in attendance were 1941 classmates Wayne Wilkins and Frank Bush.

Major Awards

Steve Birrell ’64 received the Rogerson Cup, the college’s highest award for alumni service. Jonathan Fielding ’64 won the Kellogg Award for lifetime career achievement. The Thurston Bowl, for exceptional service as class secretary, was presented to Dan Rankin ’59, and the Copeland Award, for effectively representing Williams to prospective students, went to Bob Furey ’64. The Joseph’s Coat, in recognition of a highly esteemed member of a post-50th Reunion class, went to Hugh Germanetti ’54.

New Members of the Executive Committee of the Society of Alumni

Louis S. Zimmerman ’71, Alexandria, VA; Deborah McCarthy Nelson ’76, Framingham, MA; Michelle Rogers ’79, Evanston, IL; Stephen M. Jenks ’81, Boston, MA; Andrew M. Newman ’04, Washington, DC; Veronica Maria Mendiola ’05, New York, NY; and Randolph C. Rogers ’85 and David L. Pesikoff  ’90, both ex officio as Alumni Fund Co-Chairs.

Class Attendance Awards

The Reunion Trophy, awarded to the class with the highest percentage of registered and present classmates, went to the Class of 2009 with 46.5% in attendance. The Reunion Bowl, for the class with the greatest number of members registered and present, went to the Class of 2009, with 253 members attending.


The Class of 1964‘s 50th Reunion gift came to $14,059,869.17 with gifts for the Class of 1964 Scholarship, the 1964 Tutorial Fund and Weston Field Project. The Class of 1989‘s 25th Reunion gift reached $3,750,671.60, focusing on the Class of 1989  Memorial Scholarships. For the Alumni Fund, 1988 raised $443,506 with 74.9% participation.

Director of Annual Giving Laura Day ’04 announced that, overall, 1,600 volunteers had raised over $10 million from more than 15,000 alumni in 2013-2014. Alumni Fund donors also reached the gold standard again with an overall participation rate of nearly 60%.