May 29, 2024, Merrimack, New Hampshire
Major: Political Science
Williams service
- Class Associate Agent
Williams relatives
- Mr. James B. Leitz ’65 P’88 (Parent)
- Mrs. Jessica A. Leitz H’88 (Surviving Spouse/Partner)
Obituary & related links
Date reported: June 3, 2024
One meets or remeets people at different points in life. I’m proud that I got to remeet Chris over the past year. We exchanged texts and laughs almost weekly. He was proud of his family and his grandbabies, calling them “dainty.” LOL. The choice of words was hilarious and fitting of a proud poppa. I didn’t know Chris as well at Williams, but he seemed, in his late 50s, like the same kind of cool-kid in college. I was drawn to his raw persistence of day-to-day life and the drive to find connection. I never knew that I could connect or be a factor. But Chris let me know that I was. And I will miss the check-in connections. Honored to attend his memorial and meet his family.
I was so upset to receive the news this past weekend from a fellow classmate. “Leitzy” and I became friends during Freshman year while playing soccer & hockey together. He was a gem of a human — absolute salt of the earth, humble, warm and always engaging. While he had a mischievous side, Chris always seemed a bit more mature and measured than some of us dumb college kids — like a calm confidence in his skin. While we didn’t stay in close contact post Williams, we always caught up during reunions — recounting stories from Freshman sports together. And I always remember meeting his wife and sons, and how much joy & pride he took in his kids, while we enjoyed dinner together. I’ll miss the man and send condolences to his whole family.