Alumni Career Commentary

1980s-Style Sexism Still a Drag on Women in Big Law

I don’t know whether to be buoyed or depressed by the latest findings about female lawyers in Big Law. Let’s start with the cheery news: Contrary to popular belief, women are remarkably bullish about their Big Law experience, according to a recently released report by legal intelligence firm Leopard Solutions. Almost… Continue reading »

A Lack of Data Doesn’t Mean a Population Doesn’t Exist

I’m going to start with the conclusion: Non-binary and gender-diverse people should be accounted for in your organization’s data. By working with your internal experts – employee resource groups, DE&I team, Talent Attraction and Legal – or calling in external experts, you can develop optional demographic questions that satisfy federal… Continue reading »

How to Be a Venture Capitalist Without (Too Much) Social Media

Venture Capital is an industry defined by long feedback cycles and avalanches of uncertainty at every turn, yet the prevailing narrative and style of most new venture capital investors are to stay up to date daily with newsletters, funding rounds, deal sizes and the opinions of everyone but their own. Continue reading »

Schooled: What Community College Taught Me About My Education

Prior to joining their faculty last year as an adjunct, I’d had only glancing contact with Berkshire Community College (south of Williamstown, in Pittsfield), and while each interaction had been positive, my overall attitude towards a community college education remained – I confess – mildly dismissive. My own experience of… Continue reading »

Failing Forward: How a Starving Artist Found His Way to Software Engineering

Five years ago, I left a financially rewarding but personally unfulfilling first job in finance to take advantage of an opportunity to compose music for commercials. Overwhelmed with excitement, I took every penny I had (plus a huge pay cut) to pursue my dream of a professional music career in… Continue reading »

Forgot About Me? Three Nearby Resources Often Overlooked by Non-Profit Leaders

Non-profit leaders bemoan the constant need to drum up resources to achieve success. Whether running a charitable entity, trade association or civic organization, leaders envision how far they could advance strategic goals with an injection of additional revenue. But resources aren’t limited to budgeted dollars. Sometimes, the chance to offset… Continue reading »

The Quiet Crisis of Unexpected Unemployment

In 1973, John R. Coleman — then president of Haverford College and a respected labor economist — took a sabbatical. Over the course of those few months, Coleman dedicated his time to working menial, blue-collar jobs on an incognito basis. He made sandwiches, worked farm fields and dug ditches. It was part intellectual inquiry… Continue reading »

Building Habits to Drive Your Success for Decades to Come

My husband jokes that when people find out I’m a psychologist, two things happen. Either they either close up and look nervously for an excuse—any excuse—to exit the conversation, or they open up and start sharing and sometimes over sharing…then, I sometimes joke that then I’m the one left looking… Continue reading »

Four Ways Political Science Prepares You for a Career in Marketing

It’s that time of year when Williams seniors are carving out well-worn footpaths between the library, the office of career counseling and the Purple Pub. The days of balancing senior seminars with 100-days parties, prioritizing the hunt for a post-college job over the hunt for a costume for Saturday night’s… Continue reading »

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