The Ingredients for Community

by Elyse Mack GA'20

"I also wanted to come back to St Louis with some fresh eyes. When I left I was a high school student and so the problems that I thought were affecting the community then are a lot different from the issues I hear my community members talk about now, so trying to be more connected to liberation for all, prison abolition, a wide range of racial justice issues and just trying to listen to folks as much as possible."

Elyse Mack GA'20 is a native of St. Louis, MO which she returned to after wrapping up the Grad Art program at Williams. She now works with Bread and Roses at the center of arts and activism in the community. Listen to us chat about the work, Dungeons and Dragons, baking, and the importance of new perspectives.

Interview is part of the on-the-road 'We the Purple' Williams College alumni conversations held during Ephs on the Mooove in July 2021. Explore more conversations. 'We the Purple' concept and flags designed and donated by Penny Brewer '76, inspired initially as part of the class of 1976's 35th reunion celebration in 2010. 

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