Planting the Seeds

by Derek Cressman '90

"It’s hard to figure out what’s going to bring you joy when you’ve mostly had an academic experience in college and you haven’t actually gone out and started doing things. But what I do think is beneficial about Williams is it gives you a well rounded enough base that you can kind of pivot to things as we’ve just discussed, I pivoted all these different things that you feel like you have enough confidence that you feel like you could learn something new because learning is what you learned how to do at Williams, not so much what your major’s field of expertise was for me at least."

Derek Cressman '90 is a resident of Sacramento, CA and occupies his time with some different endeavors: writing, coaching debate, and operating an olive ranch. Originally involved in the environmental advocacy front, his arc has turned to novel writing. You can hear more about his work, path, and the challenges of finding joy.

Interview is part of the on-the-road 'We the Purple' Williams College alumni conversations held during Ephs on the Mooove in July 2021. Explore more conversations. 'We the Purple' concept and flags designed and donated by Penny Brewer '76, inspired initially as part of the class of 1976's 35th reunion celebration in 2010. 

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