Alumni Winter Study 2022 | EPHS 112 “Curation and Context: From Museums to Marketing”


Return to the virtual classroom for a bite-size, one-hour version of this Williams Winter Study 2022 course, designed and taught by fellow alum Katherine Conaway ’09.

Curation is always at play, complex layers of context exist, and a specific perspective is always being presented — whether we’re in a museum, looking at a website, or anything else humans made. As we encounter art, advertisements, stories, products, and propaganda, we should bring a critical eye to what we’re being presented with to evaluate what we think about it (and why).

Instructor: Katherine Conaway ’09 is a freelance writer, consultant, and producer. She’s been a digital nomad since June 2014, working remotely while traveling to more than 50 countries. She is the coauthor of The Digital Nomad Survival Guide and host of the Modern Work podcast. Katherine is passionate about art, culture, education, and communication.