I LOVED being a part of this project! I think I brought a certain charm and recognizability to this whole thing. I might even be in more photos than Mike and Juan.
If there is one thing I wanted to internalize, it was resiliency. We heard so often from alums the importance of strength and following your passion. I really took this to heart. So much so that I refused to have my decals come off on the day of my return home! Really wanted to bond with my new friends for as long as possible and only made them 5 hours late on their return. I just loved them so much and really didn’t want it all to end! Alas, it was time. I’ll always remember the trip, the sights, the miles, the smiles. It was a true honor to be a part of this project, so thanks for letting me tag along!
Wishing you all smooth roads ahead. And remember: if it’s bumpy or you’re off the beaten path, you’ll still get to where you’re going! All roads lead somewhere and it might be the perfect spot for you, so keep on driving.
Vroom vroom,