by Linda Aaron '85
"We are all dealing with a lot right now out of the pandemic ... not everybody has your life, not everybody has your background. Your paradigm does not equal other peoples' paradigms. It's really important to be able to be open to others' experiences and learn from them."
Hailing from Salt Lake City, Linda Aaron '85 shares her journey in education as a youth development programs manager at the Natural History Museum of Utah. We chat connecting youth with the outdoors, facing a breast cancer diagnosis, and meeting a diverse community at Williams.
Interview is part of the on-the-road 'We the Purple' Williams College alumni conversations held during Ephs on the Mooove in July 2021. Explore more conversations. 'We the Purple' concept and flags designed and donated by Penny Brewer '76, inspired initially as part of the class of 1976's 35th reunion celebration in 2010.