by Chris Alberti '75

My wife, Susan, and I are on an extended, post-vac road trip, to see our son in Helena, MT, and visit other places and friends along the way.
On April 29th, Susan and I were parked in front of a coffee shop in Dillon, MT, a small town south of Butte, when a man in front of the shop came up to me. Having seen the back of my car (note the "PRPCOW" Mass. license plate and purple cow decal), he asked me if I went to Williams.
Long story short, Mark Lesniowski '73 and I ('75) had a mini reunion as we knew each other back in the day and have many '73 friends in common.
Mark told me that he was not, in fact, the only Williams alum in Dillon, and that a prominent local doctor was also a Williams grad.
Well, the very next night, April 30th, we were in Livingston, MT, near Yellowstone, parked on the main street about to walk to the restaurant to meet friends. A woman approached me, her young son with her, and asked me if I went to Williams. Turns out that this was none other Dr. Anna Loge '99 from Dillon, MT, whom Mark had mentioned and who was also visiting friends in Livingston.
What an incredible coincidence for not one but two chance encounters among alums. The Williams connection is a powerful bond.