Aided by the Eph community

by Sandra Egues-Ponce CDE '88

December 1987. A few days before Christmas. 7 p.m.

It was the day before my Econometrics final exam in the master’s degree program of the Center for Development Economics. After studying for several weeks for such a difficult task, I decided to take a break, which turned out to be a BREAK!

Charles, Nadine and Sandra
Sandra pictured with her Williamstown host family

I left the CDE building for a short walk and fresh cold air. A few steps from the door, I slipped on the ice and broke my ankle. I could not move. I stood on the ice, wet and freezing, yelling out for help for about 15 minutes. No cell phones back then! I was in pain, exhausted and really scared. Two undergrad students finally heard me and helped me. They held me and stood with me until the ambulance came. I don’t know their names. I wish I did. I still remember that moment, their kindness and their caring.

My plans were to go to California after exams, but in turn, with a huge cast and walking crutches, I stayed in Williamstown with a host family, Charles and Nadine Kalt, who opened their home and hearts for me. Those days are still alive in my memory. I had a very special Christmas. I am forever thankful.

CDE staff members Pam Turton and Sherry Wobus, my fellows and my teachers were all supportive to the most.

As I moved on, I never forgot to look back.

CDE graduates of the class of 1988
Images of the CDE Class of 1988
CDE class of 1988 in black and white
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